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jq variable substituion works in shell but not in script

The following command works in the shell just fine, but when executed via an script it doesn't. What am I missing.

jsonSelectWords='select(.words!=6) | select(.words!=1173) | select(.words!=1) | select(.words!=8) | select(.words!=9) | select(.words!=27)'

cat file.json | jq "$jsonSelectWords"

In the script the select statement is created dynamically, thus I am not able to directly provide it.


local jsonSelectWords="'"
for word in "${wordDupArray[@]}"
    jsonSelectWords+="select(.words!=$word) | "

cat $input | jq "$jsonSelectWords"

The execution of the last line gives the following error.

jq: error: syntax error, unexpected INVALID_CHARACTER, expecting $end (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1:

'select(.words!=6) | select(.words!=1173) | select(.words!=1) | select(.words!=8) | select(.words!=9) | select(.words!=27)'

jq: 1 compile error

Any hints. It tried different variations as well as the whole statement in $(cat $input | jq "$jsonSelectWords")

I have also used the following cat $input | jq --args JSW "$jsonSelectWords" '$JSW' cat $input | jq --args JSW "$jsonSelectWords" '$JSW' (with single quotes removed from the initial string, with '[$JSW]' and so on). This just outputs the content of jsonSelectWords.

The following lines are examples of the content of file.json aka $input .



local jsonSelectWords=""
for word in "${wordDupArray[@]}"
    jsonSelectWords+="select(.words!=$word) | "

cat $input | jq "$jsonSelectWords"

Programmatically producing code that is being executed (here, a bash script producing and running a jq filter) is generally considered not only less readable (what happens in jq is very fragmented), more error-prone (this has actually brought you here), but also a principal safety risk (in a complex chain of dependencies you might not have full control over what is being executed in the end).

Therefore, you should try to modify your approach in a way that the only thing variable is the data that is being input, while the code is formulated in a way that it can react on the varying data but by itself is just a literal invariable string.

Given your sample (I presume, the code above is just a small snippet relevant to the actual question, so let this be more a hinting guide rather than a general solution), you are trying to reduce an input stream of JSON objects from file.json by comparing their words field's numeric content to a list of numbers stored in the bash array wordDupArray . More specifically, given a single input object, you want to pass it through to the output if .words holds a number that is not present in a list of numbers provided, or else drop it if the number is present in the list. Let's implement that.

If jq is given a stream of objects, it will process them one by one, so breaking down the input stream to a single object already happens automatically. For the comparison part, jq needs to be given the list of numbers from the bash array. As jq is a JSON processor, it'd be best to provide the list as a JSON array, thus the task at hand is to convert the bash array into a JSON array.

There are many ways to accomplish this. As the array contains only numbers, you can cash in on the fact that a number by itself is already a valid JSON document, so one approach could be to have another jq call which takes a stream of numbers and outputs them as a JSON-ecoded array using the --slurp (or -s ) option, and to then, back in bash, store that output in a variable and provide it to the actual jq call using the --argjson option, which lets you access that JSON array as a variable inside jq.

wordDupArray=(6 1173 1 8 9 27)                   # dummy init of your bash array
jsonarray="$(jq -sc <<< "${wordDupArray[@]}")"   # will contain "[6,1173,1,8,9,27]"
jq --argjson list "$jsonarray" ' … jq filter using the array in $list … ' file.json

For the sake of variation, another way could be to use the --slurpfile option which by itself already combines a stream of JSON documents to a JSON array, and similarly lets you access that array using a variable. But as a major difference, it requires the document to be provided as a file rather than a JSON-encoded string. This can be mimicked by using Process Substitution in bash:

wordDupArray=(6 1173 1 8 9 27)                   # dummy init of your bash array
jq --slurpfile list <(cat <<< "${wordDupArray[@]}") ' … using $list … ' file.json

For the main task, filtering the input objects from file.json according to a match in the $list array, you can check for inequality just as you did before but now using the array's items $list[] instead, and have the all function check whether the given condition holds for all items or not (all hold true means none did match).

jq --slurpfile list <(cat <<< "${wordDupArray[@]}") \
  'select([.words != $list[]] | all)' file.json


Again, for the sake of variation, you could also use the IN function which returns whether or not a given value appears in a given stream (not to be confused with the in function which is for checking keys in objects), and the not function to select the cases where a match could not be found.

jq --slurpfile list <(cat <<< "${wordDupArray[@]}") \
  'select(.words | IN($list[]) | not)' file.json


All in all, these solutions are more stable and robust as the code is invariable and self-contained, also more comprehensible as a contiguous code is easier to follow, and even in the case of a failure you can expect more convenient error messages than the generic "compile error" which is even harder to trace if the actual code executed is unknown because of its volatility.

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