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I am trying to add elements to object using usestate in React?

I am trying to add a new fields in the useState hook

// prevstate  
let [currentdata, setcurrentdata] = useState({

I try to add new fields in the object like that

   setcurrentdata(currentdata => ({
            q: quantity,

but it did not add new fields

The code snippet below may be one possible solution to achieve the desired objective.

NOTE: I personally dislike the idea of using useState in conjunction with such objects & prefer multiple simpler useState on each variable instead.

Code Snippet

 const {useState} = React; const MyFunction = () => { const [badStateObj, setBadStateObj] = useState({ id: '', name: '' }); const clickHandler = (propName) => setBadStateObj(prev => ({...prev, [propName]: prev[propName] || '' })); const updateHandler = (propName, propVal) => setBadStateObj(prev => ({...prev, [propName]: propVal })); return ( <div> {Object.entries(badStateObj).map(([k,v]) => ( <div> Key: {k} &emsp; Value: {v} &emsp; &emsp; <button onClick={() => updateHandler(k, prompt( `Enter new value for ${k}` ))} > Update {k} </button> </div> ))} <button onClick={() => clickHandler(prompt('Enter prop name'))} > Add new prop </button> </div> ); }; ReactDOM.render( <div> <h4>Demo showing the useState that I personally dislike</h4> <MyFunction /> </div>, document.getElementById("react") );
 <div id="react"></div> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/17.0.1/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/17.0.1/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>


  • The badStateObj is initialized with only id and name props
  • When user clicks the Add new prop button, a new prop may be added
  • Separate buttons exist to update the value of each individual prop
  • clickHandler adds the new prop entered by user with '' value.
  • updateHandler accepts propName and propVal as parameters and updates the appropriate props within the badStateObj .

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