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Chrome Devtools Perfomance profiler dump json file parser

I'm trying to parse the results of the performance profiler tool , but I've googled everything and I cannot find anything. Where to dump profiler jsonfile Sample picture

The only documentation I've found so far is related to Events events, and I've finished implementing them. Although this is also outdated, it seems to be sufficient for now.

I manage to parse Frames、Interactions and Stacktrace&Browser activity Flamechart Sample picture here . From my observation of the logs, it seems that only two process ids ( pid fields) in all logs need to be filtered.

I tried clustering on the args parameters to see how to go through these detailed parameters to draw the flamechart, but so far I don't understand any of the fields in the args . My parsing python code and cleaned profiler json file can be seen in this github: ChromePerformanceProfilerParser

I would like to know if there is any documentation or tools about chrome performance profiler , or if this feature is in some Chrome open source project.

Thanks A Lot !!!

I would like to know if there is any documentation or tools about chrome performance profiler

Yes: this document describes the trace file format, this gives an overview of "the profiler".

or if this feature is in some Chrome open source project.

Yes: https://chromium.googlesource.com/catapult/+/HEAD/tracing/README.md

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