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how to dynamically join tables in bigquery to avoid duplication of common columns

I have 2 tables with a large number of columns (each has around 700-800 columns, which makes it not feasible to individually write all the column names). Both the tables have a few common rows. I need to dynamically union both the tables such that the common columns don't get repeated and are queried only once in the final table. For example:

|    alice|       a|   100|apple  | 
|      bob|       b|    23|orange |


|firstname|lastname|books |active |
|    alice|       a|   10 |yes    | 
|      bob|       b|    2 |no     |


|    alice|       a|   100|apple  | 10  | yes  |
|      bob|       b|    23|orange | 2   | no   | 

Just to give you a direction to look into

select *
from table1
join table2
using(firstname, lastname)          

if applied to sample data in your question - output is


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