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Basic Python while/for question. Can't break out of a loop

Every function is working but can't quite get out of this whole function. even though I use break, something is not working. help, please.

def start():
    wizard = "Wizard"
   elf = "Elf"   
   human = "Human"
   orc = "Orc"

   wizard_hp = 70
   elf_hp = 100
   human_hp = 150
   orc_hp = 400

   wizard_damage = 150
   elf_damage = 100
   human_damage = 20
   orc_damage = 200

   dragon_hp = 300
   dragon_damage = 50

   while True:
       print("✰✰ Welcome to the game ✰✰\n")
       print("1)   Wizard ")
       print("2)   Elf ")
       print("3)   Human ")
       print("4)   Orc ")

       character = input("Choose your character: ").lower()

       if character == "1" or character == "wizard":
           character = wizard
           my_hp = wizard_hp
           my_damage = wizard_damage
       elif character == "2" or character == "elf":
           character = elf
           my_hp = elf_hp
           my_damage = elf_damage
       elif character == "3" or character == "human":
           character = human
           my_hp = human_hp
           my_damage = human_damage
       elif character == "4" or character == "orc":
           character = orc
           my_hp = orc_hp
           my_damage = orc_damage
           print("\n- Unknown Character \n")

   print("\nYou have chosen the character: ", character)
   print("\n- Health: ", my_hp)
   print("- Damage: ", my_damage, "\n")

   while True:
       dragon_hp =- my_damage
       print("The", character, "damaged the Dragon!")
       print(f"The {character}'s hitpoints are now: {my_hp} \n")
       if dragon_hp <= 0:
           print("The Dragon has lost the battle", "\n")
       my_hp =- dragon_damage
       print("The Dragon strikes back at", character)
       print("The Dragon's hitpoints are now: ", dragon_hp, "\n")
       if my_hp <= 0:
           print("You have lost your battle! ", "\n")
       play_again = input("Do you want to play again? Type Yes or No: ").lower()
       while True:
         if play_again == "1" or "yes":
             print("\n") # even if you only put start(); on line 80, the line 81 and 83 is reading line 80(start(;)) for some reasons
         elif play_again == "2" or "no":

This is just basic python stuff that I'm trying to get started. I know I'm missing a small thing but quiet cannot get to the result.

On the very last while loop, It has Its comment in it. please read it for an additional explanation

Two separate things:

  1. Your logic at the very end is actually always True because you forgot to add or play_again == "yes .
  2. Right now your game asks if the user wants to play again after every single turn. Your check to play again should be tabbed in, so that it only executes one time after the game is played, not after each time.

When you're comparing statements, Python will attempt to make your values booleans. So, it will execute bool(insert-statement-here) . So, at the very end, your comparison, if play_again == "1" or "yes": is actually two parts.

bool(if play_again == "1") - this has a value. It depends on if they put in play_again.

bool("yes") - this is ALWAYS true. Since this is always true, your code will always enter this block.

Your head is in the right place, you should do:

if play_again == "1" or play_again == "yes":
    print("\n")  # even if you only put start(); on line 80, the line 81 and 83 is reading line 80(start(;)) for some reasons
elif play_again == "2" or play_again == "no":

I think you're displaying the health backwards as well. After the dragon strikes, you should display the character's health, not the dragon's. This is a long answer, but I think it resolves several of the issues you're encountering. You are definitely very close, but try to slow down just a bit. Your code will only be as clear as your thoughts on the problem - not more. You only need the playing of the game to be on a while true, everything else is just configuration, which can be done up front when the game starts. The "playing of the game" - which is the "damaging going back and forth" is the only thing that needs to be in the while.

def start():
    wizard = "Wizard"
    elf = "Elf"
    human = "Human"
    orc = "Orc"

    wizard_hp = 70
    elf_hp = 100
    human_hp = 150
    orc_hp = 400

    wizard_damage = 150
    elf_damage = 100
    human_damage = 20
    orc_damage = 200

    dragon_hp = 300
    dragon_damage = 50

    print("✰✰ Welcome to the game ✰✰\n")
    print("1)   Wizard ")
    print("2)   Elf ")
    print("3)   Human ")
    print("4)   Orc ")

    character = input("Choose your character: ").lower()

    if character == "1" or character == "wizard":
        character = wizard
        my_hp = wizard_hp
        my_damage = wizard_damage
    elif character == "2" or character == "elf":
        character = elf
        my_hp = elf_hp
        my_damage = elf_damage
    elif character == "3" or character == "human":
        character = human
        my_hp = human_hp
        my_damage = human_damage
    elif character == "4" or character == "orc":
        character = orc
        my_hp = orc_hp
        my_damage = orc_damage
        print("\n- Unknown Character \n")

    print("\nYou have chosen the character: ", character)
    print("\n- Health: ", my_hp)
    print("- Damage: ", my_damage, "\n")

    while True:

        dragon_hp -= my_damage
        print("The", character, "damaged the Dragon!")
        print("The Dragon's hitpoints are now: ", dragon_hp, "\n")
        if dragon_hp <= 0:
            print("The Dragon has lost the battle", "\n")
            play_again = input("Do you want to play again? Type Yes or No: ").lower()

        my_hp -= dragon_damage
        print("The Dragon strikes back at", character)
        print(f"The {character}'s hitpoints are now: {my_hp} \n")
        if my_hp <= 0:
            print("You have lost your battle! ", "\n")
            play_again = input("Do you want to play again? Type Yes or No: ").lower()

    if play_again == "1" or play_again == "yes":
            "\n")  # even if you only put start(); on line 80, the line 81 and 83 is reading line 80(start(;)) for some reasons


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