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Can NATS JetStream partially replicate streams on different NATS Servers

我有带有 NATS Jet Stream 的服务器 A。我希望在服务器 B 和服务器 C(NATS 流)上复制的部分 NATS 流相互排斥。

As far as the Stream's built-in replication goes you can not: all the messages are replicated in all the nats-servers (according to the number of replicas). But you can use tags to select which cluster (or which servers in a cluster) are used. You can also mirror streams and source streams from other streams (and subjects).

I should add that you can also effectively split a stream in multiple streams (like partitions) by using the partition function of subject name mapping since nats-server version 2.8. ( https://docs.nats.io/nats-concepts/subject_mapping#deterministic-subject-token-partitioning )

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