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How to access a derived class member from const base class reference?

class Base1{
        virtual ~Base1() = 0;

class Derived1 : public Base1{
        Derived1(int a) : a(a){};
        int a;

class Base2{
        virtual ~Base2() = 0;

class Derived2 : public Base2{
        Derived2(int b) : b(b){};
        int b;
        void func(const Base1 &base1); // How to access Derived1::a here?

Given the above class definition, how can I access Derived1::a in void func(const Base1 &base1) ? I am still new to polymorphism. I tried to use different static_cast or dynamic_cast methods but none of them works. What should I do inside the function so I can access a derived class member from a base class reference?

FYI I can't change the class definition for my coursework requirement, and that is what given to me. I understand that it is simpler to just pass Derived1 as parameter but I am not allow to do so.

Given the above class definition, how can I access Derived1::a in void func(const Base1 &base1) ? ... FYI I can't change the class definition for my coursework requirement, and that is what given to me.

Ideally, you should expose a virtual method in Base1 that returns an int (or int& ), and then have Derived1 override that method to return its a member.

But, given that you are not allowed to change the class definitions, that is not an option.

You need a pointer or reference to a Derived1 object in order to access its a member directly. Which really leaves you with only 1 choice - you can use dynamic_cast to typecast the base class reference to the derived class type, eg:

void Derived2::func(const Base1 &base1)
    // this will raise an exception if the cast fails at runtime
    const Derived1 &d = dynamic_cast<const Derived1&>(base1);
    // use d.a as needed...


void Derived2::func(const Base1 &base1)
    // this will return null if the cast fails at runtime
    const Derived1 *d = dynamic_cast<const Derived1*>(&base1);
    if (d) {
        // use d->a as needed...
    } else {
        // do something else...

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