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Logstash cannot connect to Elasticsearch on kubernetes

I'm having trouble connecting Logstash to Elasticsearch.

I have installed ELK stack on kube.netes using helm. Every pod is running and is in ready state. Elasticsearch and kibana are perfectly fine (ie connecting properly). The problem is with logstash not able to identify Elasticsearch to establish connection.

Find the screenshot of error below:



Please help to suggest proper solution for the same.

Look at the following https://medium.com/kube.netes-tutorials/exporting-kube.netes-logs-to-elasticsearch-using-fluent-bit-758e8de606af

In step 3, the fluentbit DaemonSet is deployed. Here, the env variable FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST is modified to elasticsearch.default.svc.cluster.local according to https://kube.netes.io/docs/concepts/services.networking/dns-pod-service/#srv-records in the format of [srv].[namespace].srv.cluster.local . That connection string is known by the Kube.netes DNS.

So change your environment variable to the 'Kube.netes DNS' format

By following the ECK tutorial, you should have a service already, which you can get by executing kubectl get services -n [namespace] or kubectl get services -A

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