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Web logs timestamp import to Oracle SQL

I have some web logs that I'm trying to import into Oracle SQL table. The table has timestamp and varchar for when request was made and url. I formatted the logs to looks like this:

"Nov 1 2021 2:12:54.856 CDT","/webfolder1/file.html"
"Dec 11 2021 5:32:13.34 CDT","/webfolder1/file2.html"

I used SQL developer tool to import this file to Oracle table, however it did not like the date in the first column.

VALUES (to_timestamp('Nov 1 2021 2:12:54.856 CDT'), '/webfolder1/file.html')


ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

Do I need to use sed/awk or some other utility to change the date into some other format that Oracle would accept?

Use TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ and specify a format model and language:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
  filename VARCHAR2(50)


INSERT INTO table_name (ts, filename) VALUES (
    'Nov 1 2021 2:12:54.856 CDT',
    'Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF3 TZD',

db<>fiddle here

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