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How can I get access to a template generated local variable to component code?

Maybe I'm thinking in the completely wrong direction. But what I would like to do is call the value of a variable, which was defined in the template, in the component.

<button (click)="download()">...</button>

<ng-container *ngIf="objectlist | filterSort: sortColumnService.sortTerm() as filteredSkaterlist">

Is there any clean way to access filteredSkaterlist in a function of the component? To send the filteredSkaterlist as argument of eg the click() is no option because the button is out of scope.

export class MyComponent {
    download() {

        // access value of filteredSkaterlist


Can you please try this way.

<ng-container *ngIf="objectList()">

I've defined objectList() method with structural directive of *ngIf. We can define objectList() method in component class and return true or false depend on the condition.

export class MyComponent {
    objectList() : boolean {

        // access value class objects and return true false value


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