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Python 3.9.7 script failing to run on ubuntu crontab

I am currently attempting to setup a raspberry pi 4 as an intercom system using ubuntu 21.10. I am using functioning python scripts to play mp3s via cron jobs.

My scripts are almost exactly the same as this except for differing mp3 files:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pygame import mixer
from pygame import time
mixer.init(frequency=90000, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=512)

while mixer.music.get_busy():

My crontab is as follows:

30 20 * * 1-4 /home/intercompi/30min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
45 20 * * 1-4 /home/intercompi/15min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
55 20 * * 1-4 /home/intercompi/5min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
0 21 * * 1-4 /home/intercompi/0min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
30 17 * * 0,5,6 /home/intercompi/30min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
45 17 * * 0,5,6 /home/intercompi/15min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
55 17 * * 0,5,6 /home/intercompi/5min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1
0 18 * * 0,5,6 /home/intercompi/0min-closing.py >> IntercomOutput.txt 2>&1

and my logging file outputs this:

/bin/sh: 1: usr/bin/python3: not found
/bin/sh: 1: usr/bin/python3: not found
/bin/sh: 1: usr/bin/python3: not found

I am fairly inexperienced with linux so I apologize if this is sloppy. This is partly a consolidation of my previous attempts at looking into this issue.

Does "/usr/bin/env python3" on command line navigates you to python console?

you can also use the output of the "which" command in your script.

which python3

for instance


from pygame import mixer
from pygame import time
mixer.init(frequency=90000, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=512)

while mixer.music.get_busy():

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