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how to get all data in correct way firebase-real-time-database JavaScript

I am using node.js and I am getting data from firebase real-time database. The problem is I am getting data something like this:

for data getting code! JS

import firebaseApp from '../config.js';
import { getDatabase, ref, onValue } from "firebase/database";

const userRef = ref(database, "Users");
onValue(userRef, (snapshot) => {

if (snapshot.exists) {
  const data = snapshot.val();
  console.log(data); // data printed to console

}, {
  onlyOnce: true

Console Output

 "random-user-id-1": {
    "name": "Jhon Doe",
    "profile": "profilelink",
    "email": "example@email.com"
 "random-user-id-2": {
    "name": "Cr7",
    "profile": "profilelink",
    "email": "example@email.com"

 // and more...


I want to display this data as an array of objects. Example of expected output


    "name": "Jhon Doe",
    "profile": "profilelink",
    "email": "example@email.com"
    "name": "Cr7",
    "profile": "profilelink",
    "email": "example@email.com"

    // and more........ ^_~

Any help will be always appreciated! and feel free to ask any doubts related to my question or problem!

thank you:)

seems like you need only the values from your dict, you can transform your data this way:

 const lst = { "random-user-id-1": { "name": "Jhon Doe", "profile": "profilelink", "email": "example@email.com" }, "random-user-id-2": { "name": "Cr7", "profile": "profilelink", "email": "example@email.com" }, } const expectedFormatRes = Object.values(lst); console.log(expectedFormatRes);

An alternative to Gil's answer would be to use Firebase's built-in. forEach operation:

if (snapshot.exists) {
  let values = [];
  snapshot.forEach((child) => {

While longer, this has the advantage that it maintains the order in which the database returned the data, which becomes relevant when you specify an orderBy... clause on your query..

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