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Problem with SDL2_image.dll and libpng16-16.dll

Problem with SDL2_image.dll and libpng16-16.dll

When calling IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG); I get a "failed" return.
IMG_GetError() returns "Failed loading libpng16-16.dll"

When checking output in debug mode both dlls are loaded and immediately unloaded.
Other SDL2 functions works as expected.
Both dlls are placed in the same folder as the.exe
I suspect one or both dlls are bad. I can find them at several places on the.net but at no place I trust right away.
Can anybody recommend at trustworthy site for these dlls?
Or any advice on what my problem might be?

After again downloading SDL2_image-2.0.5-win32-x64 from www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/ and coping ALL the dlls found there into my project I am able execute IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG); with an ok return. Go figure....
May I suggest that a link to www.libsdl.org/projects/ is placed on the index page, or better, a nice menu with the SDL project found there

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