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Oracle DB Update statement, same value different targeted rows

In my procedure I want to insert in table order and update table salesman

create or replace PROCEDURE place_order(
    PURCH_AMT   in varchar,
    CUSTOMER_ID in varchar,
    SALESMAN_ID in varchar
) AS
order_id varchar(50);
ORD_DATE varchar(50);

        order_id := sys_guid();
        ORD_DATE := SYSDATE;
    --INSERT da order
        insert into ORDERS values (order_id, PURCH_AMT, ORD_DATE, CUSTOMER_ID, SALESMAN_ID);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('out put with variable salesman_id');
    --UPDATE sales do salesman
        update salesman
        set n_sales = n_sales + 1
        where salesman.SALESMAN_ID = SALESMAN_ID;
end place_order;

But when I run it it updates all the salesman表格和输出

When I change the update on the procedure and hard code the salesman ID it works

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('output with harcoded 5001');
    --UPDATE sales do salesman
        update salesman
        set n_sales = n_sales + 1
        where salesman.SALESMAN_ID = '5001';


This is wrong:

create or replace PROCEDURE place_order(
    PURCH_AMT   in varchar,
    CUSTOMER_ID in varchar,
    SALESMAN_ID in varchar          --> this
) AS
    --UPDATE sales do salesman
        update salesman
        set n_sales = n_sales + 1
        where salesman.SALESMAN_ID = SALESMAN_ID;
                       -----------   -----------

Never name parameters the same as column names. As you did it, where clause was evaluated to something similar to where 1 = 1 which means update ALL rows in that table .

Rename parameters; usually, we prefix them, eg

create or replace PROCEDURE place_order(
    PAR_PURCH_AMT   in varchar2,
    PAR_CUSTOMER_ID in varchar2,
    PAR_SALESMAN_ID in varchar2
) AS
    --UPDATE sales do salesman
        update salesman
        set n_sales = n_sales + 1
        where salesman.SALESMAN_ID = PAR_SALESMAN_ID;

(Also, Oracle recommends us to use varchar2 instead of varchar )

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