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How to use sdpTransform in peerjs for high quality audio bitrate

  1. I have implemented a video chat application using peerjs module everything is okay , but not getting a good audio quality .

  2. How to use sdpTransform for setting the bitrate. can anyone please give a complete example of sdpTranform in PeerJS.

Maybe you can try this,

let videoConstraints = {
     height: { min: 640, ideal: 1920, max: 1920 },
     width: { min: 400, ideal: 1080 },
     frameRate: { max: 30 }

let audioConstraints = {
    channelCount: 1,
    sampleRate: <YOUR VALUE>,
    sampleSize: <YOUR VALUE>,
    volume: 1,
    latency: 0.003,
    echoCancellation: true,
    noiseSuppression: true,
    autoGainControl: true,
  constraints = { audio: audioConstraints, video: videoConstraints };



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