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SWUpdate API with Qt

I'm trying to update my application using SWUpdate tool for my embedded board. I already created my.swu pack, anche with ssh command line, it works fine. I need to launch the update from my Qt application. How can I do?

Maybe I can launch QProcess::execute("swupdate -i /run/media/AppUpdate.swu"), but it still not working.

How can I link with Qt the SWUpdate API installed?


You did not state which Qt version you are using. The more recent ones deprecated the QProcess::execute call as you are using it (program name and arguments in one string).

Try this:

QProcess* proc = new QProcess;
proc->setArguments(QStringList({"-i", "path/to/your/update.swu"});
if (!proc->waitForStarted()) 
    qCritical() << "failed to start swupdate: " << proc->errorString();
/*optional: block/wait for swupdate to finish*/

I recommend to also implement and connect the readyRead signal and save/log swupdate's output in case something goes wrong during the update.

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