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PHP's CarbonPeriod put all data from the interval into one array

So I have this code to get the data from the database:

// get custom holidays
$companyHolidays = Holiday::query()->get();

now to get this output I did dd($companyHolidays->toArray());


these start and end dates need to be put into a DateInterval using Carbon.

So I did this:

$parsedCompanyHolidays = CarbonPeriod::create($companyHolidays[0]->start, $companyHolidays[0]->end);

this outputs, using dd($parsedCompanyHolidays->toArray()) ;


the issue now is that it only shows the first Osterferien but not the other ones from the database? What are ways to get all of them into one array?

Because later I would need to continue a generation of dates that are inside these dates

                   while ($i < $eventRepeats) {

                        // add one week

                        if (in_array($eventStart->translatedFormat('Y-m-d'), $holidaysArray)) {

                        // todo: not grabbing the holidays correctly
//                        if (in_array($eventStart->translatedFormat('Y-m-d'), $parsedCompanyHolidays)) {
//                            continue;
//                        }

                        echo '<div class="text-primary font-normal mt-6 mb-2">'.$count++.'. Termin</div>';
                        echo '<div class="bg-gray rounded-lg border-l-4">';
                        echo '<div class="p-3">';
                        echo $eventStart->translatedFormat('l, d. F Y, H:i');
                        echo ' - ';
                        echo $eventEnd->translatedFormat('H:i');
                        echo '</div></div>';

                        // increase iteration



$companyHolidays = Holiday::all();
$newholiday = [];
foreach($companyHolidays as $holiday){
  $newholiday[] = [
     'id' => $holiday->id,
     'title' => $holiday->title,
     'start' => $holiday->start,
     'end' => $holiday->end,
     'parsed_company_holidays'=> CarbonPeriod::create($holiday->start, $holiday->end);

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