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Python: How to write dictionary to csv file when one key has multiple values, each key is a new row, but each value is a new column?

I have a script I am writing that gets a bunch of information and adds it into some lists, then I add those lists into a dictionary. Here is what the dictionary looks like:

{'0.001': ('16.36', '35.45', '48.15', '99.96'), '0.1': ('11.10', '43.40', '45.49', '99.99'), '0.2': ('12.49', '35.67', '51.85', '100.01'), '0.3': ('16.71', '28.27', '55.04', '100.02'), '0.5': ('23.71', '20.65', '55.63', '99.99'), '0.75': ('32.50', '15.83', '51.68', '100.01'), '1.0': ('39.24', '14.21', '46.57', '100.02'), '2.0': ('55.06', '11.05', '33.91', '100.02'), '3.0': ('59.81', '6.72', '33.44', '99.97')}

For every key there are four values associated with it.

I want each key to be its own row, and each value to be in a new column in that same row.

Here is my code so far:

periods = []
interface_sum = []
intraslab_sum = []
crustal_sum = []
total_sums = []
out = dict(zip(periods, zip(interface_sum, intraslab_sum, crustal_sum, total_sums)))
with open ('dict.csv','w', newline='') as csv_file:
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
    for key, value in out.items():
        writer.writerow([key, value])

Those lists are populated with information seen here:

periods = ['0.001', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.5', '0.75', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
interface_sum = ['16.36', '11.10', '12.49', '16.71', '23.71', '32.50', '39.24', '55.06', '59.81']
intraslab_sum = ['35.45', '43.40', '35.67', '28.27', '20.65', '15.83', '14.21', '11.05', '6.72']
crustal_sum =  ['48.15', '45.49', '51.85', '55.04', '55.63', '51.68', '46.57', '33.91', '33.44']
total_sum =  ['99.96', '99.99', '100.01', '100.02', '99.99', '100.01', '100.02', '100.02', '99.97']

The periods is what I want the key to be, and the next 4 lists are the values. Here is an image of the csv output, it puts the keys into its own column and makes a new row for each one which I want but then the values with each key are all put in the same B column, and I want each value in its own column. So the first row 0.001, I want 16.36 in column B, then 35.45 in column, C, and so on. Any idea how to get this done?


You are almost there. You can unpack the value tuple with * when creating each row list

with open ('dict.csv','w', newline='') as csv_file:
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
    for key, value in out.items():
        writer.writerow([key, *value])

That could be shortened a bit to

with open ('dict.csv','w', newline='') as csv_file:
    csv.writer(csv_file).writerows([k, *v] for k,v in out.items())


vals={'0.001': ('16.36', '35.45', '48.15', '99.96'), '0.1': ('11.10', '43.40', '45.49', '99.99'), '0.2': ('12.49', '35.67', '51.85', '100.01'), '0.3': ('16.71', '28.27', '55.04', '100.02'), '0.5': ('23.71', '20.65', '55.63', '99.99'), '0.75': ('32.50', '15.83', '51.68', '100.01'), '1.0': ('39.24', '14.21', '46.57', '100.02'), '2.0': ('55.06', '11.05', '33.91', '100.02'), '3.0': ('59.81', '6.72', '33.44', '99.97')}

First make a list of the values you want:


Then you can make a dict of those keys associated with a reformatted list:

di={k:[v[0]]+list(v[1]) for k,v in zip(keys, vals.items())}

>>> di
{'periods': ['0.001', '16.36', '35.45', '48.15', '99.96'], 'interface_sum': ['0.1', '11.10', '43.40', '45.49', '99.99'], 'intraslab_sum': ['0.2', '12.49', '35.67', '51.85', '100.01'], 'crustal_sum': ['0.3', '16.71', '28.27', '55.04', '100.02'], 'total_sums': ['0.5', '23.71', '20.65', '55.63', '99.99']}

If you just want to join the key values with the associated tuple:

new_vals=[[k]+list(v) for k,v in vals.items()]

>>> new_vals
[['0.001', '16.36', '35.45', '48.15', '99.96'], ['0.1', '11.10', '43.40', '45.49', '99.99'], ['0.2', '12.49', '35.67', '51.85', '100.01'], ['0.3', '16.71', '28.27', '55.04', '100.02'], ['0.5', '23.71', '20.65', '55.63', '99.99'], ['0.75', '32.50', '15.83', '51.68', '100.01'], ['1.0', '39.24', '14.21', '46.57', '100.02'], ['2.0', '55.06', '11.05', '33.91', '100.02'], ['3.0', '59.81', '6.72', '33.44', '99.97']]

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