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How do I get url with token of uploaded file to firebase storage?

I am trying to get the URL of a file I'm uploading to Firebase Storage. I want the URL that includes the token at the end, the one that looks like this: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/myapp.appspot.com/o/folder%myfile?alt=media&token=mytoken

So far this is my code:

from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app

cred = credentials.Certificate("serviceAccountKey.json")
initialize_app(cred, {'storageBucket': 'myapp.appspot.com'})

bucket = storage.bucket()
path = "path/to/myfile"
blob = self.bucket.blob(path)

# I only know how to get this URL but it's not the one that I want
url = blob.public_url

I also don't want the signed URL that expires.

I've seen people mention the function getDownloadURL but I don't know how I can use it with firebase-admin in Python.

I've checked https://googleapis.dev/python/storage/latest/blobs.html but all I could find about URLs was either signedURL or publicURL

Change the security rule to that specific folder

  • Make sure you upload publically visible images to that specific folder
  • It doesn't require any access token to access such images
  • Capturing media token can only be done by the Client SDK and not available in the Admin SDK for firebase-admin python
rules_version = '2';
service firebase.storage {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
     // Explicitly define rules for the 'path/to/myfile/' pattern
    match /path/to/myfile/{allPaths}{
      allow  write: if request.auth != null; // Only Auth person can read
      allow  read: if request.auth == null; // Anyone can read
    // This will be defined for everything else
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow  write: if request.auth != null; // Only auth person can write
      allow  read: if request.auth != null; // Only auth person can read

Sample python code

firebase_storageURL = 'https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/{}/o/{}?alt=media'.format(storageBucket, bucket_path)

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