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How to permit only users with a particular domain to login? Django google authentication

I'm trying to limit the access to a page only to logged users. I used the google authentication, but it let every account to log in; instead i want to avoid every domains different from 'fermi.mo.it'. A google account like luca@gmail.com shouldn't be able to login, while an account like luca@fermi.mo.it should be able to.

I noticed this code to make it, but it doesnt work. It says: "No module named 'social_core'" but i installed it.


These are all the modules that i installed:

If django is not able to find the module, make sure that you have added the 'social_django' ro installed apps.

Other soution is that you can create a validator at level Serializer or model according you. Which of them choose? That's other topic.

  1. Django Model field validation vs DRF Serializer field validation
  2. How to validate against full model data in DjangoREST Framework

You only have to check if the email contains the string 'fermi.mo.it' . If don't, raise and exception.

The documentation of each one: Django Validators and Validators DRF .

I can see that OP has already installed the app

pip install social-auth-app-django

So, now OP needs to

1 Ensure one has added the application to INSTALLED_APPS setting


2 After that, sync the database to create needed models

./manage.py migrate

3 Then, one wants to limit the emails that Google shows in the list

        'hd': 'fermi.mo.it'

Since OP wants

to allow everyone for @companyname.net and only some specific others from other domains.

then OP can keep using SOCIAL_AUTH_<BACKEND_NAME>_WHITELISTED_DOMAINS as OP is already doing and also introduce SOCIAL_AUTH_<BACKEND_NAME>_WHITELISTED_EMAILS to add the specific emails OP wants also to login.

4 Finally, one wants to limit the emails that can sign in


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