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Optional in builder pattern, get()

I'm working on a backend for a web application in Java (using Spring) und try to use the builder pattern. I have the classes

  • Example (as a Data object)
  • ExampleDocument (as another Data object)
  • ExampleMapper
  • ExampleRepository (extends MongoRepository)
  • ExampleController(REST)
  • ExampleService

Now I have a problem with a function returning an Optional (findById, Mongo-Repo) to my service:

public class ExampleService {

    private final ExampleMapper exampleMapper;
    private final ExampleRepository exampleRepository;

    public Example getExample(String exampleId) {
        Optional<ExampleDocument> document = exampleRepository.findById(exampleId);
        return exampleMapper.mapToDto(document);

I want to map the document in my mapper class as I'm used to do it with other documents (without the Optional it looks like this, I took an example from another class:

public class OtherExampleMapper {

    public OtherExample mapToDto(OtherExampleDocument document) {
        return OtherExample.builder()


I tried to use ifPresent, but the builderPattern seems not to recognize the expression, since I have a yellow mark on "getId()", telling me "Result of 'PitchEventDocument.getId()' is ignored" and a red mark on ".build()"

public class PitchEventMapper {
public Example mapToDto(Optional<ExampleDocument> document) {
        return Example.builder()
                .id(document.ifPresent(id -> document.get().getId())

How can I still use the builder pattern in combination with the Optional?

Your basic problem is that ifPresent doesn't return a value at all—it's void . Instead, you want orElse (since I think you want null or another default value in that case), and you shouldn't use get —all the relevant "if" and "or" methods already unwrap the value for you.



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