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How to record TestNG script from Taurus and convert to Jmx?

I used TestNg for writing Script. Using Taurus it executed successfully. Now I used the proxy2jmx service for converting JMX. Here I received an error/ warning --

 1. WARNING: There aren't requests recorded by proxy2jmx, check your proxy configuration 
2. WARNING: Problems with chrome tuning are encountered, take look at http://gettaurus.org/docs/Proxy2JMX/ for help

In documentation one info provided- 1. don't hardcode the path to chromedriver.exe in your scripts Then how chromedrver.exe path provide in my script? and I try to run Taurus on admin and recorded so it is wrong behavior or correct? and What is the solution for the above 2 warnings? Some requests are recorded but when executed in Jmeter it cant work. It returns time out error. So how all these issues are resolved?

below is my yml file-

    executor: testng
    iterations: 1
    scenario: scn1
    token: "707ab103114456ad7af656613827f:7e30d7ba25e396565656565656c53f1-e1cf413367c14c669a7c20d97fb567139fbb92d768d795b36e4d64"
    autodetect-xml: false
    script: TestAdminPage.java
    module: proxy2jmx
  1. Taurus looks for chromedriver binary in your operating system PATH
  2. Looking at There aren't requests recorded by proxy2jmx message I don't think that anything has been recorded at all
  3. We cannot help you without seeing the full bzt.log file (lives in Taurus Artifacts Directory )
  4. I don't think that Proxy2JMX module supports anything but JUnit,

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