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how does singleton bean handle dynamic index

I am working spring data elastic search. Based on different header in the request, I create @RequestScope object IndexConfig to hold different set of indexes. It seems to be working. But I don't understand how singleton bean DocumentA/DocumentB can handle dynamic index? Do I need to set them @RequestScope as well?

public class IndexConfig {

    private String AIndexName;
    private String BIndexName;

public class RequestFilter implements Filter {
    private IndexConfig indexConfig ;
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req,....) {

      }else if(httpRequest.getHeader("two"){

@Document(indexName = "#{@indexConfig.getAIndexName()}", createIndex = false)
public class DocumentA {}

@Document(indexName = "#{@indexConfig.getBIndexName()}", createIndex = false)
public class DocumentB {}

What makes you think that DocumentA or Document B` are singletons? Thes e are the entities that you store and retrieve.

You create an instance of DocumentA and store it by either using methods of ElasticsearchOperations or using a respository function. And when retrieving data from Spring Data Elasticsearch, you get new instance(s) back, populated with the data that is read from Elasticsearch.

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