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GetColumnName() in EF Core 6 returns property name not mapped column name

I'm using EF Core 6 (6.0.2) with SQL Server 2019 with the following entity:

public partial class MyEntity
        public Guid? ExternalId { get; set; }

I'm trying to get the mapped column name ( External_ExternalId ) for the ExternalId property with the following code:

var entityType = dbContext.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(MyEntity));
var property = entityType.GetProperties().Single(property => property.Name.Equals("ExternalId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
var columnName = property.GetColumnName(StoreObjectIdentifier.Create(property.DeclaringEntityType, StoreObjectType.Table).GetValueOrDefault());

columnName is ExternalId instead of External_ExternalId . How can I get the actual name of the table's column? I tried GetColumnBaseName() but got the same result. Same if I configure the mapping with the fluent API.

Because the column name is defined using a [Column(...)] attribute, you can get the desired outcome by looking for ColumnAttribute objects that are attached to the properties of the class, as follows:

public static void PrintValueOfColumnAttribute()
    PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(MyEntity).GetProperties();
    foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
        foreach (var attr in prop.GetCustomAttributes(true))
            if (attr is ColumnAttribute columnAttr)
                Console.WriteLine(prop.Name + " -> " + columnAttr.Name);


ExternalId -> External_ExternalId

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