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Geolocation get country name

I was wondering if there is a simple way to retrive the country name of the given city.

Meaning that I will provide the city name and it will give me back the country.

For now the only thing I can think of is reversegeo, but it only gives me the short for the country and I need the full name.

def reverseGeocode(coordinates):
    result = rg.search(coordinates,mode=1)
cord= (36.8968908,30.7133233)


[{'lat': '36.90812', 'lon': '30.69556', 'name': 'Antalya', 'admin1': 'Antalya', 'admin2': '', 'cc': 'TR'}]

Is there anyway to do it? or maybe to get the full name somehow?

I kept searching for the best way to do that and I found something that I will like to share with others we wants the same as me.


All I add to do is to install the library

pip install geocoder
import geocoder as rg
def reverseGeocode(coordinates):
    result = rg.osm(coordinates, method='reverse')

I built a function and now you can call it with the lat,lng values.

cord= (36.8968908,30.7133233)

The only problem is that you will get the country name by the country language.

EDIT: Found the best solution.

import googlemaps as gm
def reverseGeocode(cords):
    gmaps = gm.Client(key=api)
    res = gmaps.reverse_geocode(cords)
    country = res[-1]['address_components'][0]['long_name']
    return country

cord = (lat,lng)

Works perfect.

A solution using reverse_geocode :

import reverse_geocode

coordinates = (36.8968908,30.7133233),

coordinates must be iterable, hence the , after the coordinates, to make the variable into a tuple.


[{'country_code': 'TR', 'city': 'Kepez', 'country': 'Turkey'}]

reverse_geocode needs to download a file once, so it's not completely offline, but once the file is downloaded the code should work even without an inte.net connection.

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