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High memory leakage is observed in EDGE IE11 mode as compared to IE with Selenium

Recently, we have upgraded our Selenium version from 2.53 to 4.1.2 to enable testing of our application on MS EDGE IE11 mode. The reason behind running our application on EDGE IE11 mode is because IE is going to be deprecated soon. Hence, we decided to move to EDGE in IE11 mode. We had observed previously that memory leak was fine with IE. But when we migrated our scripts to EDGE IE 11 mode, we are seeing high memory leakage with EDGE IE11 as compared to IE11.

Selenium Version: 4.1.2, Execution Mode : IE mode and EDGE IE11 mode, IE Driver version :

Did anyone else facing similar kind of issues with EDGE IE11 mode?

官方Selenium Github 存储库是一个很好的资源供您参考,已经找到了一些可能适合您的问题的已解决问题: https ://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/10615 https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/硒/问题/10609 https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/10495

We are seeing the same. Workflows in IE11 stand alone do not leak. Running those same work flows in EDGE browser IE 11 Enterprise Mode leaks terribly. I haven't been able to find many other reports of this or MS addressing this.

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