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How to use conditional loop to iterate through items in a list?

I am trying to write a very basic code that can take the input given by a user and sift through a list of positive responses to see if the user's response is part of that list. The code below iterates for each item in the list but I do not want that, instead I want it to check all items in the list and print out something only if the input is in the list. How can I do that?

positive_responses = ['Good', 'Fine', 'Okay', 'Great']
user_response = input('How are you today? - ')
for each in positive_responses:
  if user_response == each:
    print('Glad to hear that')
  elif user_response != each:
    print('What can we do to help?')

If I understand you correctly you can use in operator:

positive_responses = ["Good", "Fine", "Okay", "Great"]
user_response = input("How are you today? - ")

if user_response in positive_responses:
    print("Glad to hear that")
    print("What can we do to help?")

Prints (for example):

How are you today? - Great
Glad to hear that

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