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how can I change json "dict" into a consumable format for aws boto3 tagset list of dicts

I have a JSON file that contains a tagset (key, values) in the following format:

{"Key1":"ValueA", "Key2":"ValueB"}

The boto3 S3 put_bucket_tagging operation needs to get the tagset in the following format:

'TagSet': [
                'Key': 'Key1',
                'Value': 'ValueA',
                'Key': 'Key2',
                'Value': 'ValueB',

It looks like a list of dicts, but I don't know how to get there. I have tried:

    def reformat_json_tagset():
        with open('tagset.json') as json_file:
                data = json.load(json_file)
        info = {}
        content = []
        for key in data:
            info = {
                "Key": data[key],
                "Value": data[key],
        mynewtagset = print("'Tagset': "+ str(content))

which results in:

'Tagset': [{'Key': 'Key1', 'Value': 'Key1'}, {'Key': 'Key2', 'Value': 'Key2'}

'Value': 'Key1' and 'Value': 'Key2' are obviously wrong, as they need to be the values.

I understand that the "value": data[key] part in my code is not correct but I don't know how to get the "values" from the json in the values from the tagset. Also I don't know if my approach with the for loop is at all correct, it feels a bit weird to me. I'm not stuck to the for loop method, any other suggestion to get from the json to the tagset is more than welcome.

You can get both the key and the value in your iteration by using .items() :

for k,v in data.items():    
    content.append({"Key":k, "Value":v})
mynewtagset = "'Tagset': "+ str(content)

You could also do this using list comprehension if you like to play code golf:

mynewtagset="'Tagset': "+str([{"Key":k, "Value":v} for k, v in data.items()])

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