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lodash Library k- only extract keys

I need a little help. I need to get an object from the console log and return only his keys using the lodash library, i tried

const ObjLetters = ({value}) => {
    return  _.findKey({value}) }
    console.log (ObjLetters{

im not aware of my problem, if its a syntax problem or maybe the wrong commands.

Are you trying to obtain an array of keys in an object ?

If yes, try

  miki: "handsome",
  shon: "adorable"
  tomer: "man",

// output: ["miki", "shon", "tomer"]

Ok, now my code looks like this:

const ObjLetters = ({object}) => {
    return  _.keys({object}) }
    console.log (ObjLetters({ miki:"handsome", shon:"adorable", tomer:"man"}))

but, instead of returning the keys, i get


if you just want the keys you can use:

const ObjLetters = (object) => _.keys(object) 

console.log(ObjLetters({ miki:"handsome", shon:"adorable", tomer:"man"}))
// out: ["miki", "shon", "tomer"]

_ findKey find a key of the object with the values passed.

see this example from docs:

var users = {
  'barney':  { 'age': 36, 'active': true },
  'fred':    { 'age': 40, 'active': false },
  'pebbles': { 'age': 1,  'active': true }

_.findKey(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true });
// out: 'pebbles'

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