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Java Home not set

I downloaded gradle and in the instruction it told me to add it to system variables so i did but i accidentally removed one of the paths. So when i tried to see what version of gradle i use it was saying error java home is not set(you can see in the image in the mingv terminal). My question is how can i set up my java home here is an image where is showing the paths that i have and on the right what its saying on terminal.

Your screenshot presents list of PATH variable values. Close this dialog.

On the parent dialog window, add new variable, name it JAVA_HOME .

Put the following value to it: C:\Program Files\jdk-18.0.1

Click OK to accept your changes


Click on 'new'. Type "JAVA_HOME" inside variable name and type path for the java bin folder on variable value.

The result will be as below

System variables

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