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Python Robot Remote Server : OverflowError: int exceeds XML-RPC limits

I have setup a Python Robot Remote server on a RHEL 7.9 machine using docker.

I also have a client (ie Python Robot Framework on RHEL 8.4) with Robot keywords defined which calls the server however, when the server tries to send response to the client I always see an error ie OverflowError: int exceeds XML-RPC limits.

Wondering if someone has already seen this or aware of a mechanism (32 bit vs 64 bit, library versions, etc) to deal with this issue?

NOTE: I am using Python Pandas to process the response (which can be huge) initially I planned to process this at the client side however in order to circumvent the overflow issue I tried relocating data processing to the server however, I still run into the same issue if response contain lots of details (in case lots of test failure hence huge failure details object returned to the client).

这里最有可能的问题是 xml-rpc 包中的“序列化程序”,它限制了可以传递的大值,如此处所述:https ://www.techtalk7.com/xml-rpc-best-options-for-64-位整数/

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