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Can't use cookie in frontend but works fine in postman

I've created rest API in springboot that upon sending valid credentials returns jwt access token and saves refresh token in httpOnly cookie, when I send GET request to the API that uses cookie in postman it works just fine but when I try to fetch in react API returns error that indicates that there is no cookies

error_message: "Cannot read the array length because "array" is null"

So do I have to specify domain name If yes how do I do it while working on localhost (springboot is working on localhost:8080 and react localhost:3000 ).

How I currently create cookie:

public static Cookie createRefreshCookie(String refresh_token) {
        Cookie jwtRefreshCookie = new Cookie("refresh_token", refresh_token);
        return jwtRefreshCookie;

问题是由我的 fetch 请求引起的,其中包含 header withCredentials: true来自库 axios insead 的 fetch implementation of header credentials:"include"

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