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Visual Basic Bug For SQL Stored Procedure in Excel

I need to create an excel macro where people can put in their parameters from a stored proc in SQL server. There is a bug somewhere on line 13, but I am not sure what it is since I am very new to Visual Basic.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim TransTime As Date  'Declare the SellStartDate as Date
Dim StoreNumber As Integer    'Declare the SellEndDate as Date
Dim Product As Integer    'Declare the SellEndDate as Date

TransTime = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B4").Value   'Pass value from cell B3 to SellStartDate variable
StoreNumber = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Value     'Pass value from cell B4 to SellEndDate variable
Product = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B6").Value     'Pass value from cell B4 to SellEndDate variable

'Pass the Parameters values to the Stored Procedure used in the Data Connection
With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("nitro_price_check").ODBCConnection
CommandText = "EXEC maverik.nitro_price_check '" & TransTime & "','" & StoreNumber & "'" & Product & "'"
End With
End Sub

As commented, consider parameterization which is supported with Excel workbook connections but initial setup requires going through Excel's user interface. See MSDN docs for Create a parameter query in Microsoft Query .

During setup, be sure to include qmarks in your SQL command (ie, Command Text):

EXEC maverik.nitro_price_check ?, ?, ?

This will enable Parameters... button under Definition tab of Connection Properties, where you can assign Excel cell values to each qmark placeholder by corresponding position:

  • Parameters ...
    • Parameter 1 =Sheet1!B4
    • Parameter 2 =Sheet1!B5
    • Parameter 3 =Sheet1!B6

Then your VBA is just a simple refresh line with no messy concatenation or quotation with SQL:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

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