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How to Resize background image to match the Layout?

我有一个问题,如何在 android studio 中调整背景图像的大小以匹配整个布局,例如:我有一个默认为横向的可绘制对象,但我的布局是水平的,我想减小宽度并增加高度thag 照片以匹配 thr 布局,我该怎么做?

您需要缩放图像,添加此属性并将 fitCenter 更改为与您的条件android:scaleType="fitCenter"对应的值。

Hope this helps. I think you have to add :


But still, check out the link I attached, so you can have a better understanding.

There are android scale types which you can refer CENTER, CENTER_CROP, CENTER_INSIDE, FIT_CENTER, FIT_END, FIT_START, FIT_XY and MATRIX. which can be used as per your requirement. But as you mentioned you can try android:scaleType="center_crop" which crops the image a bit but covers the whole screen

This Should do the trick


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