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Using variable in Snowflake COPY INTO command

I have a stored procedure which unloads data from table into a Azure blob container. The conditions of file unloading is the file should be unloaded into a date time partition folder.


I have written the following stored procedure:

execute immediate 
        date_partition varchar;
        date_time_partition varchar;
     set date_partition = '2022-06-09';
     set date_time_partition = '1651011730.067872';
     COPY INTO @STAGE/:datetime/:date_time_partition/filename 
        FROM (
            select * from table
                where ID = 1
          ) file_format = CSV_FORMAT HEADER = TRUE DETAILED_OUTPUT = TRUE overwrite = true;
    return date_partition;

The problem I am facing is the data is getting on loaded in this format


What can I do to use the variables in the COPY INTO command?

Something like works for me:

execute immediate
  date_partition varchar default '2022-06-09';
  date_time_partition varchar default '1651011730.067872';
  copy_into varchar default 'COPY INTO @~/' || date_partition || '/' || date_time_partition || '/filename FROM (select * from citibike_trips limit 10) file_format = MYCSV HEADER = TRUE DETAILED_OUTPUT = TRUE overwrite = true';
  execute immediate :copy_into;
  return date_partition;

When I list the stage I see:


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