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How to check if predefined selected column is null is laravel

I have this code :

$employee_calendar->attendance = Attendance::leftJoin("attendance_corrections", function ($join) {
                $join->on("attendance_corrections.attendance_id", "=", "attendance.id")
                    ->where("attendance_corrections.status", "!=", "rejected");
            ->select('attendance.*', DB::raw('IF(`time` IS NOT NULL, `time`, attendance_corrections.correct_time) as `correctTime`'))
            ->where("attendance.employee_id", $employee->id)
            ->whereDate("attendance.date", "=", $employee_calendar->date)
            ->orderBy('correctTime', 'asc')

I want to check if correctTime is null then dont show this data. I have tried ->whereNotNull('correctTime') it is giving error say column not found.



由于它是一个派生列,因此您必须使用 having 子句,原始查询的最佳之处在于您可以使用多种类型的运算符,例如 AND、OR 等,只需将其作为字符串传递即可。

->havingRaw("correctTime IS NOT NULL")

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