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How to return a MAP like structure from bigquery javascript UDF so that I can generate a key-value column dynamically at runtime?

I'm trying to return a MAP like structure from Javascript UDF in bigquery. So that I can convert that structure directly into relational columns without knowing the column named prior. In below approach, I'm trying to stringify JSON and then using json_extract_scaler function to create columns.

 CREATE TEMP FUNCTION main(json_str STRING) RETURNS STRING LANGUAGE js AS r""" var row = JSON.parse(json_str); return JSON.stringify(row); """; with temp_table as ( select "ram" name, "ram@gmail.com" email ), Rule_result as (SELECT main(TO_JSON_STRING(STRUCT(t.name, t.email))) result FROM temp_table as t) SELECT json_extract_scalar(result, '$.name') name, json_extract_scalar(result, '$.email') email FROM Rule_result as r;

In this approach, I'm returning the struct, knowing the column names beforehand.

 CREATE TEMP FUNCTION main(json_str STRING) RETURNS STRUCT<name STRING, email STRING> LANGUAGE js AS r""" var row = JSON.parse(json_str); return row; """; with temp_table as ( select "ram" name, "ram@gmail.com" email ), Rule_result as (SELECT main(TO_JSON_STRING(STRUCT(t.name, t.email))) result FROM temp_table as t) SELECT r.result.* FROM Rule_result as r;

Both the approaches work fine. But it doesn't solve the problem. Because I need to be aware of the column names. Bigquery supports struct return type but that doesn't fit my usecase. Since I'm not aware about the column names beforehand. How can I dynamically create columns from the data return by the javascript UDF without knowing the column names?

  • data is flat JSON object

 { "name":"ram", "email":"ram@gmail.com" }

I somehow need to convert this JSON object into table columns like

name email
ram ram@gmail.com

Consider below

create temp function  extract_keys(input string) returns array<string> language js as """
  return Object.keys(JSON.parse(input));
create temp function  extract_values(input string) returns array<string> language js as """
  return Object.values(JSON.parse(input));
create temp table tmp as 
select id, key, value 
from your_table,
unnest(extract_keys(json)) key with offset
join unnest(extract_values(json)) value with offset

execute immediate (select
'''select * from tmp
pivot (any_value(value) for key in (''' || string_agg(distinct "'" || key || "'") || '''))
from tmp

if applied to sample data like in your question's example


output is


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