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How Can I Fetch Data into My Datatable in React Native?

I want to Fetch Data into My Datatable I'm getting THis Error: Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it.

This is the Code if Someone can help me 🙏🏻:

import React, { useState,useEffect } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, SafeAreaView, ScrollView,Text, View, Modal } from 'react-native';
import { DataTable } from 'react-native-paper';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/native-stack';

import COLORS from '../src/conts/colors';
import Button from '../src/views/components/Button';

const List = ({navigation}) => {

     const [data,setData] = useState([])
     const [loading,setLoading]= useState(true)

     const fetchData = ()=>{




  const renderList = ((item)=>{


      <DataTable.Row style={styles.tableRow} key={item.businessid}>
            <DataTable.Cell textStyle={{color: '#777777',fontFamily: 'Roboto'}} onPress={() => navigation.navigate("Edit",{item})} >{item.title}</DataTable.Cell>
            <DataTable.Cell textStyle={{color: '#FEB296', fontFamily: 'Roboto'}}>{item.title}</DataTable.Cell>
            <DataTable.Cell textStyle={{color: '#777777', fontFamily: 'Roboto'}}>{item.price}</DataTable.Cell>
return (
  <SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1}}>
    contentContainerStyle={{paddingTop: 50, paddingHorizontal: 20}}>
    <Text style={{color: COLORS.black, fontSize: 40, fontWeight: 'bold', fontFamily: 'Roboto',textAlign: 'center'}}>
      List of Companies
    <Text style={{color: COLORS.grey, fontSize: 18, marginVertical: 10, fontFamily: 'Roboto', textAlign: 'center'}}>
      Check Our Companies Details
  <DataTable style={styles.container}   >
  <DataTable.Header style={styles.tableHeader}  >
    <DataTable.Title textStyle={{color: '#fff',fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'Roboto'}}>BusinessId</DataTable.Title>
    <DataTable.Title textStyle={{color: '#fff',fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'Roboto'}}>Title</DataTable.Title>
    <DataTable.Title textStyle={{color: '#fff',fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'Roboto'}}>Price</DataTable.Title>


export default List;

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
    padding: 0,
tableHeader: {
  backgroundColor: '#50E3C2',
tableRow: {
  backgroundColor: '#fff',


This is The Error:

enter image description here

Hello Hassane . This React error is very common no worries. The problem is that you are trying (by mistake) to render a function instead of a component (like the error says). In your code this is happening here:


renderlist is a function so you cannot render it.

You have two options here:

  • Call the function: {renderList()}
  • Use the component with JSX ( recommended ):
const RenderList = (item)=>{...} //Use capital as first char to follow convention here

    <RenderList />


Also for the data to be rendered you need to loop through it and send the info to your component:

 const RenderCollection = ({item}) => // note that args has changed here, {item} its a shortcut to avoid the need to use props.item {...} </DataTable> { data && data.articles.map(article => <RenderCollection item={article} />) } </ScrollView> {...}

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