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python-telegram-bot handle message only after command

I'm trying to let bot send the message that i gave him by first sending /send_m command then it will ask for the message after that i write the message it will send it to other users, the problem is that message handler is running send function even if I didn't give it /send_m command how can i fix this issue?

dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('send', send_m))

I'm handling messages and commands like this.

我已经声明了一个布尔变量,当我得到命令时,它被设置为True并声明结束函数以在函数调用时将布尔值设置为False ,并且我为处理的每条消息放置 if 语句以检查发送命令是否已调用。

dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text,send & ~Filters.command, send))

You may notice that MessageHandler is used instead of CommandHandler. This is a more general handler that selects messages based off flags that you supply. In this case, it handles messages that contain text but aren't commands

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