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No configuration for database at org.telosys.tools.commons.dbcfg.DbConnectionManager.getConnection (line 76)

I am trying to get all entities (in STS) from an existing MYSQL data model . I have been researching many tools, and finally decided to use ' telosys '. This marketplace tool allows you to easily obtain the entities, it is only necessary to configure the url , username , password ... and the rest is filled in automatically.

配置 Telosys 信息 元数据信息

I have the problem when creating the model, which gives me a Telosys error.

Cannot create database model


I don't understand very well what you mean, it says that there is no configuration for the database , but I have filled in everything necessary. I can't find information about this error either by SO or on the web.

Thank you very much for any kind of help.

I know there is a g9-tool to do this kind of automatic database to entity conversions, but my data model has a lot of tables, and g9 allows you free use of up to 12 tables.

It looks like there is a '*' before 'databases.cfg' in the tab title.

So I'm guessing your file hasn't been saved yet and therefore the generator can't found your new database configuration.

Make sure to save the file 'databases.cfg' (with Ctrl-S or with the menu: "File-Save") before launching "Create model" or "Update model"

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