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Groovy: Access class.value without calling getValue()

I can't find information about this. I wrote a DataType class and want to return the value property as the default

  Integer value

  MyInteger(Integer iv)
     this.value = iv

How can I get the value without calling getValue() ?

MyInteger i = new MyInteger(5)
print i.value //works
print i.getValue() //works
print i //this is what I want to achieve
Integer realInt = i //or more specific this 

The Standard Integer is capable of that, but how? Thanks for any hint!

Not sure what was your intent, but a "new integer" can be crafted and used like so:

class MyInteger extends Number {

  Integer value

  int intValue() {

  long longValue() {

  float floatValue() {

  double doubleValue() {

def my = new MyInteger(4)

assert my.value == 4
assert my.getValue() == 4

int integer = (int)my
assert integer == 4

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