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Is there a way to still use symbolic link for .gitignore? And why it's not supported anymore as a symbolic link?

I have a central .gitignore on my laptop and for each project that I create, I create a symbolic link to that central file so that I can keep a uniform policy across all of my projects.

All of my projects are like each other (technology-wise) and it makes sense to have a central .gitignore to reduce the burden of maintenance.

However, recently I see this message:

warning: unable to access '.gitignore': Too many levels of symbolic links

And as I searched, it seems that from git 2.3 upwards they have decided to not support the symbolic link.

I have two questions. First, is there a way to force git to support symbolic links for .gitignore ? And why on Earth do they not support it anymore? Does it not make sense to reuse code? Is half of linux not reused through symbolic links?

First, is there a way to force git to support symbolic links for .gitignore ?


And why on Earth do they not support it anymore?

The gitattributes documentation now (as of Git 2.32) says this near the end:


Git does not follow symbolic links when accessing a .gitattributes file in the working tree. This keeps behavior consistent when the file is accessed from the index or a tree versus from the filesystem.

While I'm not 100% sold on the reasoning here myself, it does make sense. (It seems to me that Git could just stuff the content of the .gitattributes file into the index and hence into the commits, although this would mean that on checkout it would destroy the symlink.)

Optional further reading / background

First, let's describe what a "symbolic link" is in the first place. To do this we must define what a file is (which is a pretty big job, so we'll just do very light bit of coverage): A file is a named entity, typically found in a file system (systematic collection of files), that store data for later retrieval. Being a named entity, a file has a name: for instance, README.txt , Makefile , and .gitconfig are all file names . Different OSes place different constraints on file names (eg, Windows refuses to store a colon : character in a file name or create any file named aux with or without a suffix, so that you cannot have a C or C++ include file named aux.h or aux.hpp ). Git itself places very few constraints on file names: they can contain almost any character except an ASCII NUL ( b'\0' in Python, \0 in C, etc.), and forward slashes / are slightly special, but other than that a name character is just a name character and there are very few restrictions. 1

On most real OSes, files can have "types". The exact mechanisms here rapidly become OS-specific and can get very complicated, 2 though traditional Unix-like hierarchical file systems just have a few types: "directory", "file", "block or character device", "symbolic link", and the like. Symbolic links are in fact one of these types.

A symbolic link is a type of file in which the file's content is another file name. This file name, on a Unix-like file system, can be absolute ( /home/john/somefile , /Users/torek/somefile ) or relative ( ./somefile , ../../somefile ). On these systems, opening a symbolic link results in opening the file whose name is provided by the symbolic link's content. To read the content of the symbolic link—that is, to find out what file name the link contains —we use a different operation: readlink instead of open , for instance. Modern Unix systems also have an O_NOFOLLOW flag that can be used to forbid the open system call from following the link. 3

The way Git stores a symlink is as a special mode object in a commit: ordinary files are either mode 100644 , meaning a non-executable file, or mode 100755 , meaning an executable file. A symbolic link is stored as mode 120000 and Git stores the target name, found by calling readlink , as the content. 4

1 The one peculiar restriction is that you're not allowed to store anything named .git , in any mix or upper and/or lower case. This .git restriction actually applies to "name components" which are the parts between forward slashes. Due to Windows being Windows, Git-on-Windows will turn backwards slashes into forwards ones as necessary, and then places the restriction on the components.

2 Traditional OSes from the 1960s through 1980s, for instance, may impose things called access methods based in part on file types. Unix simplified things a lot here.

3 This is sometimes important for various security aspects. The details are beyond the scope of this article.

4 These odd mode values correspond closely to the struct stat st_mode field in a Unix/Linux stat system call. That's because when Linus Torvalds first wrote the initial versions of Git, he was dealing with it—at least in part—as a kind of file system. The ability to store full Unix file modes (9 bits of rwxrwxrwx flags) was left in, and initially Git actually stored group write permissions, but this turned out to be a mistake and was removed before the first public release. The 100000 part is S_IFREG , "Stat: Inode Format REGular file". The 120000 found in a Git symbolic link is S_IFLNK , or "Stat: Inode Format symbolic LiNK". We also have mode 040000 for directories from S_IFDIR , which should now be obvious. However, Git can't store a mode 040000 entry in its index / staging-area , for no particularly good reason, which leads to the problem described in How can I add a blank directory to a Git repository?

In other words, a symbolic link means "use another file"

Wherever a symbolic link is found, it means read or write some other file . So if README.txt is a symbolic link reading /tmp/fooledyou , any attempt to read README.txt actually reads /tmp/fooledyou instead; any attempt to write README.txt actually writes to /tmp/fooledyou .

Consider, though, when this redirection—from README.txt to /tmp/fooledyou —occurs. It doesn't happen at the time you make the symbolic link itself. You can create this README.txt file last year . When I go to read README.txt , that's when the redirection occurs . So if you've changed /tmp/fooledyou since you created README.txt , I get the modern version, not the old one.

That, of course, is precisely why you wanted the symbolic link in the first place:

All of my projects are like each other (technology-wise) and it makes sense to have a central .gitignore to reduce the burden of maintenance.

In other words, you wanted to have one .gitignore , that is not version controlled , that always reflects what should be ignored based on what you learned up until right now , regardless of when it is that "right now" is.

This is the opposite of Git's normal purpose, which is to store a full snapshot of what your project looked like "back then", whenever "back then" was: the time at which you made a git commit snapshot.

My suggested possibility above is that when you run:

git add .gitignore

to update Git's idea of what should go in the .gitignore file that goes in the next commit , Git could follow the .gitignore indirection at that time , read the contents of the target of the symbolic link , and prepare that to be committed. You'd then make the commit—the snapshot and metadata—such that if, next year, you extract this particular historical commit, you'll get the historical snapshot, including the historical .gitignore .

The drawback to this is that by extracting the historical .gitignore , you "break the link": .gitignore is no longer a symbolic link at all. Instead, it is now an ordinary file, containing the historical snapshot. There's no way to get the link back except to remove the ordinary file and create a new symbolic link.

Before Git version 2.32, Git would notice when .gitignore was a symbolic link and would store, in its index / staging-area, the fact that .giginore was a symlink ( mode 120000 ) and use the readlink system call to find the target of the symlink, and store that in the commit. Running git commit then makes a snapshot that, when extracted, creates .gitignore as a (new) symbolic link: the existing file-or-symlink is removed, and the new one is installed instead. It redirects, in the usual symlink fashion, to the saved (committed) historical location— even if that's wrong now .

As of Git version 2.32, Git will still store a symbolic link .gitignore file:

$ mkdir z; cd z
$ ../git --version
git version
$ ../git init
[messages snipped; branch renamed to main, also snipped]
$ echo testing > README
$ ln -s foo .gitignore
$ git add README .gitignore
$ git commit -m initial
[main (root-commit) 08c6626] initial
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 120000 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 README
$ ../git ls-tree HEAD
120000 blob 19102815663d23f8b75a47e7a01965dcdc96468c    .gitignore
100644 blob 038d718da6a1ebbc6a7780a96ed75a70cc2ad6e2    README

The same reasoning—that a Git commit, once it's made and stuffed into a repository, may contain a symbolic link that is no longer valid or correct—explains why Git 2.32 also refuses to follow .gitattributes and .mailmap files. Note that commands like git archive generally use the commit's version of .gitattributes to control archive substitutions, so a symbolic link stored in the repository is useless unless the target of the symbolic link is somehow correct. The repository and its commits get shipped around from one machine to another, but the targets of any committed symlinks in many cases don't .

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