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How to fill null values with a current_timestamp() in PySpark DataFrame?

I have a column called createdtime having few nulls. All I want it to fill those nulls with a current timestamp.

I have tried below piece of code where I assign the time manually, I want it to in such a way that whenever I run this piece of code it should pick up the current_timestamp()

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
default_time = '2022-06-28 05:07:29.077'
df = df.fillna({'createdtime': default_time})

I have tried below method but gives an error: TypeError: Column is not iterable.

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
default_time = current_timestamp()
df = df.fillna({'createdtime': default_time})

error screenshot: 在此处输入图像描述

The default_time variable needs to be quoted in quotes .

default_time = '2022-06-28 05:07:29.077'
df = df.fillna({'createdtime': f'{default_time}'})

Or use the coalesce function.

df = df.withColumn('createdtime', F.coalesce('createdtime', F.current_timestamp()))

Because fillna accepts a string and not column you can use below code

import datetime

you can't pass current_timestamp() bacuase its variable , fillna accepts either int, float, double or string values.

you can use python library to pass current timestamp

Below is the working code

>>> df.show()
|school_id|gender|class|       doj|
|        1|     M|    9|01/01/2020|
|        1|     M|   10|01/03/2018|
|        1|     F|   10|01/04/2018|
|        2|     M|    9|      null|
|        2|     F|   10|      null|

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime.now()
>>> dt_string = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
>>> df.fillna(value=dt_string,subset=['doj']).show()
|school_id|gender|class|                doj|
|        1|     M|    9|         01/01/2020|
|        1|     M|   10|         01/03/2018|
|        1|     F|   10|         01/04/2018|
|        2|     M|    9|28-06-2022 13:22:10|
|        2|     F|   10|28-06-2022 13:22:10|

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