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Is this assignment problem with constrains NP-hard?

It is a many-to-one assignment problem with N tasks and M people.

Each person can get multiple tasks, while each task can be assigned to only one person. We can earn a profit Pij if the task i is assigned to person j.

If T1, T2,..., Tm is a partition of the tasks, and n1, n2,..., nm are m positive integers. I want the optimum assignment such that the number of people assigned to any task in Ti must be less or equal to ni

If I understand your question correctly, this is a special case of the minimum-cost flow problem on a graph with three layers (in addition to a source and a sink layer).

  • From the source, you have a layer with M vertices, one for each person, connected to the source with edges of capacity 1 and no cost.
  • The next layer has the N tasks, and the i 'th person is connected to the j 'th task with an edge of capacity 1 and cost - P_ij .
  • The third layer contains m vertices, one for each part in your partition, and a task is connected to its part with an edge of capacity 1 and no cost.
  • Finally, the i 'th part is connected to the sink with an edge of capacity n_i and no cost.

We haven't specified a demand, but we could simply try all possible demands between 0 and M and still be in P , so showing that it's not NP -hard is equivalent to showing that PNP .

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