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how to handle different screen sizes with flutter app

I'm doing an app that can be used on Apple, Android, web and desktop so for many different screen sizes - phone, tablet, laptop, desktop etc. Is it reasonable to design for say three different layouts - small, medium, and large - where the layout for each could be slightly different - or is it more common to have just a single basic layout that populates widgets row by row and automatically starts on the next row when a row gets full.

[Edit] What I mean is that for a large screen I could have one set of widgets and for a small screen I could have a completely different set of widgets - is that reasonable to do or is it too much work. eg if the user starts with a large window and then resizes the window to make it small, the appearance and maybe the functionality might change a little bit - is that bad? This link posted by Kaushik is helpful Flutter: How to do responsiveness for "real" mobile/web applications?

Using MediaQuery class:

mediaSize = MediaQuery.of(context);

Then you can get media height and width


If you want to separate different dimensions, equal the above values to another value and divide like math operation.


while using width and height use the above code insted of using numericals

width:MediaQuery.of(context).size.width -20,

Here the container have margin of 8 in both left and right and the height will be screen height

Using MediaQuery you can handle the size problem in the app

var size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
var width = size.width;
var height = size.height;

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