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How to get affected record count from ConnectionObject.Execute() Method in vb.net

I am deleting entries in table using Connection object Execute() function. I am unable to get numbers of rows affected. Could someone help?

Dim db As ADODB.Connection
db = OpenDatabase(ConnectionString)
deleteExams = "delete from  [Table2] where  [PlanDate] < '" & sDate & "'"

the ADIDB execte method has a affected rows option see https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/execute-method-ado-connection?view=sql-server-ver16

    Dim ObjAffectedrows As New Object
    db.Execute(deleteExams, ObjAffectedrows)
    Dim LongAfeected_Rows As Long = CLng(ObjAffectedrows)
    Dim LongAfeectedRows As Long
    Long.TryParse(ObjAffectedrows.ToString, LongAfeectedRows)

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