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Initializing object using Mockito

I am having some difficulties in initializing object using Mockito for unit testing

This is my test code

class AreaControllerTest {

  CalculateArea calculateArea;

  AreaController areaController;

  MockMvc mockMvc;

  public void init()

    mockMvc = standaloneSetup(areaController).build();
  void calculateArea() throws Exception{

        .when(calculateArea.calculateArea(Type.RECTANGLE, 5.0d, 4.0d))


The code to test

public class CalculateArea {

    SquareService squareService;

    RectangleService rectangleService;

    CircleService circleService;

    public Double calculateArea(Type type, Double... r )
        switch (type)
            case RECTANGLE:
              if (r.length >= 2) {
                return rectangleService.area(r[0], r[1]);
              } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Missing required params");
            case SQUARE:
              if (r.length >= 1) {
                return squareService.area(r[0]);
              } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Missing required param");

            case CIRCLE:
              if (r.length >= 1) {
                return circleService.area(r[0]);
              } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Missing required param");
                throw new RuntimeException("Operation not supported");

RectangleService, CircleService and SquareService are annotated with org.springframework.stereotype.Service annotation I have tried many options and finally concluded to this. I am not getting where am I getting it wrong. I tried searching many places on the internet but couldn't find any help.

I believe you need to change your runner. Given your use of the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, it looks like you're using JUnit 4. You should be able to simply replace




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