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How do you restrict the macOS windowing management from restoring a specific window?

I have an app that has a few windows defined as a windows group in the structure conforming to App in the main scene:

 WindowGroup("StandingsView") { StandingsView().environmentObject(appServices) }.handlesExternalEvents(matching: Set(arrayLiteral: "StandingsView"))

The appServices take some time to be configured, so I do not want to automatically restore the windows at start. I create the windows upon user selections being valid, the services being fully configured, and the user pressing a 'start' SwiftUI button:

 if let standingsURL = URL(string: "raceStratLiteApp://StandingsView") { NSWorkspace.shared.open(standingsURL) }

I've tried closing the windows in the appDelegate's applicationShouldTerminate(). I've also tried setting the isRestorable to false in applicationShouldTerminate:

 func applicationShouldTerminate(_ sender: NSApplication) -> NSApplication.TerminateReply { for window in NSApplication.shared.windows { window.isRestorable = false } return.terminateNow }

Are there any other methods to not restore a window? or better yet, to be able to programmatically restore it with its previous size, etc but launch only on user direction to 'start'


From the tip provide by @Asperi, writing the following to defaults will cease the writing of the window states:

$ defaults write <bundleid> NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false

So this is not a code change to the app, but rather an environment config the would be done on install.

I also deleted the savedState directory located at ~/Library/Saved Application State/<bundleid>.savedState for archive builds and at ~/Library/Containers/<App Name>/Data/Library/Saved Application State/<bundleid>.savedState for debug builds. Am not sure if that mattered but once doing these steps it solved the problem. Thanks @Asperi

The code solution as @Asperi suggests in the later comment:

 func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) { UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows": false]) }

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