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centos 7 open port is open but not working

centos 7 open port is open but not working

t try to open port on my vps centos 7 like 5060

this port is just number i need it open in my system

i open it in iptables and firewall-cmd

2004h[root@centos ~]# sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: eth0 eth1
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client http https ssh telnet
  ports: 5060/tcp 80/tcp 443/tcp
  forward: yes
  masquerade: no
  rich rules: 

now on i check port using https://portchecker.co/check the port is closed

In some countries port 5060 is blocked by ISP what i understand you opened the port in your virtual machine. you need to open the port in VPS host panel security group as well.

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