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Is it possible to control the number of argument in a function when using varargs in compile time(Scala)?

Let us suppose, we have to create the OddList[+T] which contains only odd number of elements. Now can we do something like this

OddList(1,2) //Works fine
OddList(1,2,3) //Compilation error

if there is no condition of odd/even then we would simply do as below

object OddList{
 def apply[T](eles: T*) = ...

But can we control number of arguments that could be passed?

I'm not aware of any way of limiting this using some kind of built-in mechanism. A macro can be a possible solution. If you want to keep it simple, the only thing I can think of is that of asking for pairs:

object OddList {
 def apply[T](elems: (T, T)*) = ???

I also think that there might be some confusion with regards to naming, since odd numbers are 2n+1 and even ones are 2n (because you can split them evenly by two -- see Wikipedia ). As such, you can define the following:

object EvenList {
 def apply[T](elems: (T, T)*) = ???

object OddList {
 def apply[T](elem: T, elems: (T, T)*) = ???

Probably not the most elegant solution, but definitely simple and easy to implement.

If this approach works for you, you can create quite flexible smart constructors as follows:

object Even {
  def apply[CC[_], A](
      elems: (A, A)*
  )(implicit factory: collection.Factory[A, CC[A]]): CC[A] = {
    val builder = factory.newBuilder
    for ((first, second) <- elems) {
      builder += first
      builder += second

object Odd {
  def apply[CC[_], A](elem: A, elems: (A, A)*)(implicit
      factory: collection.Factory[A, CC[A]]
  ): CC[A] = {
    val builder = factory.newBuilder
    builder += elem
    for ((first, second) <- elems) {
      builder += first
      builder += second

assert(Even[Set, Int]((1, 2), (3, 4)) == Set(1, 2, 3, 4))
assert(Odd[List, String]("1", ("2", "3")) == List("1", "2", "3"))

You can play around with this code here on Scastie .

As a further improvement, I believe you can also create types to wrap the two possible returned items so that you can reason about collection size parity at compile time (if that is a requirement), but this is not covered by this example.

One question first off: Are you including Nil as an element?

Because (1 :: 2 :: Nil).size is 2 /even, your other example is 3 /odd

At compile time , shapeless has Sized (see this answer: Scala, enforce length of Array/Collection parameter ), but that seems to be for static, concrete values.

At runtime you can throw an IllegalArgumentException when the constructor is called

    case class OddList[T]( elements: T* ) {
        private val numElements: Int = elements.size
        private val hasOddNumElements: Boolean = numElements % 2 != 0
        require(hasOddNumElements, s"There are an even [$numElements] number of elements!")

    OddList( 1, 2 ) // Runtime exception
    OddList( 1, 2, 3 ) // Works fine

Thanks @Dylan and everyone who asked to explore to macros way. I don't know if there are better ways, I would love to know but macros way works for me, at least for now. I tried the below code and it worked.

trait OddArgHolder[T]{
  val args: Seq[T]
case class OddArgs[T](args: Seq[T]) extends OddArgHolder[T]

object OddArgHolder{
  import scala.language.experimental.macros
  import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context

  def applyMacro[T](c: Context)(method: c.Expr[T]*): c.Expr[OddArgHolder[T]] = {
    import c.universe._

    if(method.size % 2 == 0){
      c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Only odd number of arguments allowed")
    } else {
      val met = method.map(m => c.typecheck(m.tree))
      c.Expr(c.parse(s"OddArgs( $met )"))


  def apply[T](method: T*): OddArgHolder[T] = macro applyMacro[T]


 //Compiletime output: 
 //Only odd number of arguments allowed
 //  println(OddArgHolder(1,2))

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